10 Morning Habits of Highly Successful People That Make Them Extraordinary
10 Morning Habits of Highly Successful People That Make Them Extraordinary You know what makes highly successful people less stressed, happier and more productive? They know that their personal priorities are worth more than other people’s priorities. Upon waking up, these significantly successful professionals don’t immediately check their email – they make it a point to claim the early hours of the day as their “me” time. After all, these extraordinary people believe that if their priority needs to be done, then it has to be done first. What do highly successful entrepreneurs and executives do upon waking up in the morning? Here are ten of them: 1. Wake up really early Surely you know that time is an invaluable asset. Highly successful people take it up a notch by waking up at 5:30 am, 4:30 am and even 4:00 am. Not only will they have more control in their early hours, they’ll also have more opportunities to do things that matter to them. Start with waking up 15 minutes...