
Showing posts from February, 2018

5 Magical Secrets for Creating Your Own Magical Impact in New Digital Era

 5 Magical Secrets for Creating Your Own Magical Impact in New Digital Era In this digital era, everyone is trying to create their own impact by using all digital sources which can be helpful for them. Internet and social media are one of the most popular tool for any individual or organisation to use it for their own benefits. Most of them are in impression that they are using it very well but if analyse in terms of productivity then certainly we can say that they are missing the soulful things of digital platform in creating their own impact. It’s important to understand the right context for using internet and social media for creating their own impact. If anyone will keep 5 secret magical contexts of internet and social media in their mind then they can easily create their magical impact of their life within a short period of time.     1. Keep Yourself Well Informed Information is the secret of your power. Being well informed in your domain is...

3 Points for Someone to Create Impact in Your Life

3 Points for Somone to Create Impact in Your Life Recently, I met a very rich person who had all the materialistic pleasures of life which any one can desire. But during discussion, I observed that he was not happy and leading an ignorant and lonely life. It was surprising that even he had all the dreamful things but he was lonely in his own world and no body was realising his impactful presence in his surroundings. During my conversation with that wealthiest person, I realised that even having all the materialistic pleasures can't make you happy if you have lost your impact in your life. It's important for any one to not to repeat the same mistakes which this wealthiest person had done and never forgot these 3 points 1. Life is Just  a Journey on This Planet and Not A Place for Accumulating Materialistic Things We must understand this reality of life that life is nothing but a journey on this planet. We should focus on making our journey memorable and beaut...

Raise the Standards of Your Belief Systems & See the Magical Achievements of Your Life

Raise the Standards of Your Belief Systems & See the Magical Achievements of Your Life Our belief system is the central point of our life around which our whole life is moving just like the earth moving around its center. Our whole life is running by our belief systems and our life is just the projection of our inner belief systems in this outer world.  It acts like magnet which attracts the same kind of iron materials. Our belief systems also attract the same kind of things and in the same standard category. If our belief systems will be of low standard, negative, false and irrational then our belief system will attract the same thing in our life and our achievement will be also in the same level.  At first sight, it may seem like philosophical or spiritual but in reality, this is the real picture of our life. It is just like a movie scene in a movie theater which is just the reflection which is existing in the CD of that movie...

Time Has Come To Raise Your Standards or Be Ready to See Your Existence Being Obsolete

Time Has Come To Raise Your Standards or Be Ready to See Your Existence Being Obsolete   In our past, our ancestors had gone through lots of changes and every time only those human species had survived in different phases of changes who were ready to adopt the new changes and had adopted new changes gracefully and made the whole things according to new change s. But all those species who had survived were only those people who had raised their standard to overcome the impacts of new changes and their consequences. It's a great leanings of our history that if you want to survive then be ready to raise your standards gracefully otherwise be ready to being obsolete.  Even we see the mass extinction of one of the strongest and biggest species  Dinosaurs on this earth                                         (Image Source :

Why There is Need To Educate ,Upgrade & Innovate Our Self ffor Survival in 4th Generation Technological Revolution Era

Why There is Need To Educate, Upgrade & Innovate Our self  for Survival in 4th Generation Technological Revolution Era  This is age of ICT and these are three 3 idiots of this century who are changing the whole word as fast as possible and no body is capable to stop these global changes. In context of new changes, our current education and skills are always giving a feeling that it is outdated and not able to sustain their relevancy in the ocean of new changes. Traditional education system is insufficient for our new emerging requirement in new technical innovation era. The impact of cloud computing, Internet of Things(IOT),Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being started to visible and there is one fear arising around the world that all these technologies are going to replace the human work force and after few years human race will be unable to compete with these machines.  May be those person who are in good job or in so secure gover...