Raise the Standards of Your Belief Systems & See the Magical Achievements of Your Life
Raise the Standards of Your Belief Systems & See the Magical
Achievements of Your Life
Raise the Standards of Your Belief Systems & See the Magical Achievements of Your Life
Our belief system is the
central point of our life around which our whole life is moving just like the
earth moving around its center. Our whole life is running by our belief systems
and our life is just the projection of our inner belief systems in this outer
It acts like magnet
which attracts the same kind of iron materials. Our belief systems also attract
the same kind of things and in the same standard category. If our belief
systems will be of low standard, negative, false and irrational then our belief
system will attract the same thing in our life and our achievement will be
also in the same level.
At first sight, it may seem like philosophical or spiritual but in reality, this is the real picture of our life. It is just like a movie scene in a movie theater which is just the reflection which is existing in the CD of that movie.
A small change in our
belief system can make a big difference in results of any actions. In this
context there is a great story of Napoleon Bonaparte and his journey of
Alps mountain.
In 1800, when Napoleon
had decided to capture the Italy by removing the Austrian army in Italy then Alps
mountain was one of the biggest hurdle for him. Their soldiers had even not
proper dress and boots and it was almost difficult to cross the mountain.
When other fellows had got the details
of Napoleon plan to cross the Alps mountain then everyone had laughed at the
belief system of Napoleon that how an army of sixty thousand men will cross the
Alps mountain where there was no road. Even, when he had asked his troops to
cross the mountain then everyone had denied moving forward.
At that moment, Napoleon had given one of best motivational speech to his all soldiers and raised the standards of the belief systems of the soldiers to such a level where all soldiers told there is no Alps mountain and it is just like other mountain which can be crossed. He told his soldiers that beyond this nature wall, victory is waiting for them with precious gifts of name, fame and wealth. So, move forward and meet the fate of your victory. And whole world knows that this was one of the most glorious victory of Napoleon and due to this victory, he had secured a glorious name in the history of this universe.
At that moment, Napoleon had given one of best motivational speech to his all soldiers and raised the standards of the belief systems of the soldiers to such a level where all soldiers told there is no Alps mountain and it is just like other mountain which can be crossed. He told his soldiers that beyond this nature wall, victory is waiting for them with precious gifts of name, fame and wealth. So, move forward and meet the fate of your victory. And whole world knows that this was one of the most glorious victory of Napoleon and due to this victory, he had secured a glorious name in the history of this universe.
There was one important context
in this story that there was no Alps mountain in the belief systems of
Napoleon but there was a huge Alps mountain in the belief system of soldiers.
Situation was the same for both Napoleon and his soldiers but the standard of
the belief system of the Napoleon was at the highest level and the standard of
the belief system of the soldiers was at the lowest level. There was no fear in
the belief system of Napoleon but there was full of fear in the belief system
of soldiers.
But it was also true that
by raising the standards of the belief systems of the soldiers, even huge
Alps mountain became a simple mountain for their soldiers and they had crossed
it easily and achieved one of the most glorious victory of their life. If we
also want a glorious achievement in our life then we have to also raise the standards
of our belief systems at such a level where all hurdles became small and winnable.
Our success and achievement is directly proportional to the level of our standards
of our life. So, we can start to make our kind attention on raising our
standards of our belief systems if want to make our life successful and
There is one another context
related to our belief systems and that important context is to understand the reality of our belief system. To raise the standards of
our belief systems, it will be important for us to know the true nature of our own inner belief systems and only then we can expect the magical transformation of our life by transforming our
belief system. To understand this context of our belief systems, I would like
to share a wonderful story which I received form one of my friend and I am quoting
the same story here as it is.
*एक दिन व्रज में एक संत आये, गोपी भी कथा सुनने गई,*
*संत कथा में कह रहे थे, भगवान के नाम की बड़ी महिमा है, नाम से बड़े बड़े संकट भी टल जाते है.*
*नाम तो भव सागर से तारने वाला है,*
*यदि भव सागर से पार होना है तो भगवान का नाम कभी मत छोडना.*
*कथा समाप्त हुई गोपी अगले दिन फिर दूध दही बेचने चली,*
*बीच में यमुना जी थी. गोपी को संत की बात याद आई, संत ने कहा था भगवान का नाम तो भवसागर से पार लगाने वाला है,*
*जिस भगवान का नाम भवसागर से पार लगा सकता है तो क्या उन्ही भगवान का नाम मुझे इस साधारण सी नदी से पार नहीं लगा सकता ?*
*ऐसा सोचकर गोपी ने मन में भगवान के नाम का आश्रय लिया भोली भाली गोपी यमुना जी की ओर आगे बढ़ गई.*
*अब जैसे ही यमुना जी में पैर रखा तो लगा मानो जमीन पर चल रही है और ऐसे ही सारी नदी पार कर गई,*
*पार पहुँचकर बड़ी प्रसन्न हुई, और मन में सोचने लगी कि संत ने तो ये तो बड़ा अच्छा तरीका बताया पार जाने का,*
*रोज-रोज नाविक को भी पैसे नहीं देने पड़ेगे.*
*एक दिन गोपी ने सोचा कि संत ने मेरा इतना भला किया मुझे उन्हें खाने पर बुलाना चाहिये,*
*अगले दिन गोपी जब दही बेचने गई, तब संत से घर में भोजन करने को कहा संत तैयार हो गए,*
*अब बीच में फिर यमुना नदी आई.*
*संत नाविक को बुलने लगा तो गोपी बोली बाबा नाविक को क्यों बुला रहे है. हम ऐसे ही यमुना जी में चलेगे.*
*संत बोले - गोपी ! कैसी बात करती हो, यमुना जी को ऐसे ही कैसे पार करेगे ?*
*गोपी बोली - बाबा ! आप ने ही तो रास्ता बताया था, आपने कथा में कहा था कि भगवान के नाम का आश्रय लेकर भवसागर से पार हो सकते है.*
*तो मैंने सोचा जब भव सागर से पार हो सकते है तो यमुना जी से पार क्यों नहीं हो सकते ?*
*और मै ऐसा ही करने लगी, इसलिए मुझे अब नाव की जरुरत नहीं पड़ती.*
*संत को विश्वास नहीं हुआ बोले - गोपी तू ही पहले चल ! मै तुम्हारे पीछे पीछे आता हूँ,*
*गोपी ने भगवान के नाम का आश्रय लिया और जिस प्रकार रोज जाती थी वैसे ही यमुना जी को पार कर गई.*
*अब जैसे ही संत ने यमुना जी में पैर रखा तो झपाक से पानी में गिर गए, संत को बड़ा आश्चर्य,*
*अब गोपी ने जब देखा तो कि संत तो पानी में गिर गए है तब गोपी वापस आई है और संत का हाथ पकड़कर जब चली तो संत भी गोपी की भांति ही ऐसे चले जैसे जमीन पर चल रहे हो*
*संत तो गोपी के चरणों में गिर पड़े, और बोले - कि गोपी तू धन्य है !*
*वास्तव में तो सही अर्थो में नाम का आश्रय तो तुमने लिया है और मै जिसने नाम की महिमा बताई तो सही पर स्वयं नाम का आश्रय नहीं लिया..*
I don't know this story is true or not but this story is great reflection of the impact of our inner belief systems. It is true that if you believe with whole heart and pure heart then it will surely work for you and you will achieve all success which you are dreaming for you.
This story has a clear
indication that if we don’t understand the reality of our belief systems then
we can be in trouble and we can’t cross the river of challenges by fake belief
systems like the Saint in the story. We can’t achieve our goal, dream or any
glorious success with fake or weak belief systems. Our belief systems and our
faith in them should be indomitable. Our belief system should not be fake, weak,
doubtful, irrational or dishonest in its nature.
If we will raise the standards of our belief systems up to such a level when it could be in the highest form of their expression then we can realise that infinite possibilities are waiting for us to make us successful and prosper in this universe. We can also say like Sharukh that
So, lets start to raise the standards of our belief systems and start the journey of magical success and achievements with a divine smile.
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1. https://sites.psu.edu/siowfa16/files/2016/10/if_you_believe_it_will-23ho4t2.jpg
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spVlmvXMZOc
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