Time Has Come To Raise Your Standards or Be Ready to See Your Existence Being Obsolete

Time Has Come To Raise Your Standards or Be Ready to See Your Existence Being Obsolete  

In our past, our ancestors had gone through lots of changes and every time only those human species had survived in different phases of changes who were ready to adopt the new changes and had adopted new changes gracefully and made the whole things according to new changes.

But all those species who had survived were only those people who had raised their standard to overcome the impacts of new changes and their consequences. It's a great leanings of our history that if you want to survive then be ready to raise your standards gracefully otherwise be ready to being obsolete. 
Even we see the mass extinction of one of the strongest and biggest species  Dinosaurs on this earth

                                        (Image Source : https://3c1703fe8d.site.internapcdn.net/newman/gfx/news/hires/2008/BrusatteTriassicScene.gif)
then we can also observe the same context that how it is must for us to raise the standards of ourselves to cope with the new changes. There is no options expect to start to raise our standards.

Now  again,  we are going through a phase of globalisation where everything is changing very fast and there is a fear that what will happen to me and how we will survive in these ongoing changes?  May be some of us are in very comfortable position and safe in context of current ongoing changes but they have to come out from their comfort zone and reset their thought process because their all comforts are only temporary and not permanent. In future, we are not going to only compete with our human colleagues but we will have to compete with the highly efficient robotic machines which will have the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
                                    (Image Source :http://robohub.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/RobotEvolution.jpg)
Our question of survival will be the most important question for every human being in near coming future. In that situation, only one mantra will help us and that will be the "Raise Your Standards". There is no other options except to raise our standards because Darwin principle is still relevant for us.

Future fear factor can be the one context that why we should start to raise our standards for our survival. But if  we are going to raise our standards only for future fear then that is not going to make any sense to our life. Only animal can work due to fear but we are not an animal. We are a human being with infinite intellectuality and with unlimited potential to prepare for all the situations wisely.

As a human being, we should take our life as one of the most important blessed gift given by God to us and it's our responsibility to take all necessary steps to save it from all those things which can be a reason for our extinction on this earth or from this universe. It's our most important duty and responsibility to make all efforts to make it wonderful by investing our best in our life. To make our life wonderful, there is only one way to explore the unlimited hidden potential within us by raising the standards of all essential elements of our life.

How much any individual can have the hidden strength for raising their standards to its optimum level that can be realised through the story of Guru Govind Singh Ji when he told

This is the one of the greatest story of our history for raising the standards of a common man up to that level where one common man became able to fight with one lakhs army of his Mughal enemies. This is not a fiction story but a true story of Guru Govind Singh that had happened during the second war of Chamkaur Sahib in 1705. A agreement had done between the Mughal Emperor and Guru Govind Singh that a safe passage will be given to Guru Govind Singh and his fellows. Guru Govind Singh though that Mughal will honour the agreement but one of the mughal commander had attacked on the Guru Govind Singh and his 40 fellow warriors .

His rest of army were scattered and only 40 fellow warriors were with him. Guru Govind Singh had planned to attack to Mughal in batches of 5 warriors and raised the standard of each and every warriors at such a level where one warrior will be able to kill one lakh Mughals.  It is said that each Sikh warrior had fought the battle like a lion and at last forced the mughal army to fled away. At that moment, everyone had realised this unbelievable truth of  the highest standards of any common man through these lines of Guru Govind Singh Ji CHIDIYA NAAL MAI BAAJ LADAWA, GIDDRAN TON MAI SHER BNAWA, SWA LAKH SE EK LDAWA, TAB GOBIND SINGH NAAM DHARAWA” 

This is a great context of raising the standard of  our self up to such a level where we can find not only solution for our survival but more than that. It's true that if you are ready to raise your standards then whole universe will be ready to meet you with their best offers for you. 

If you analyse your life deeply then you can realise this truth that your all achievements are directly proportional to the level of your personal standards. You are getting only those things which you deserves as per your standards except in certain cases where your destiny is so gracious and give you more than your expectations. 
So, it's a universal truth that there is no other option except to prepare ourself to raise the standards of all those major or minor elements of our life through which we can fight the battle of our survival with adoption of new changes gracefully. These minor or major elements can be anything through which our life is well connected with the whole universe at different levels and through which we can receive the signals of ongoing or future changes.It may be our belief systems or our response systems or our knowledge or information systems or any other things.

If we analyse all those essential elements of our life where there is urgent need to give your attention to raise their standards then we can find those stairs of our life which can leads us to the path of our survival. This can not be a complete list of major or minor elements of our life but it can be a good starting point for us from where we can start our journey for raising the standards of our life up to that level where it will be in their highest form of expression.

1. Raise the Standards of Your Personal Belief  Systems & Mental Imagination 

2. Raise the Standards of Your Motives & Intentions Behind Any Act

3. Raise the Standards of Your Service & Quality of Work Which You are Giving to Others 

4. Raise the Standards of Your Personal Knowledge, Information &  Skill

4. Raise the Standards of Your Education, Innovation & Upgradation

5. Raise the Standards of Your  Response & Reactions  Which You Are Giving to Others 

6. Raise the Standards of Your Choices & Approach

7. Raise the Standards of Your Communication & Talks 

8. Raise the Standards of Your Conducts,  Relations & Way of Treating Others 

9. Raise the Standards of Your Impact, Benefits & Answer of  How You Can Help Others More

10. Raise the Standards of Your Values, Commitment & Personal Branding 

11. Raise the Standards of Your Gratitude, Appreciation & Care for Others 

12. Raise the Standards of  The Utilisation of Your Financial Savings & Investments 

13. Raise the Standards of The Utilisation of Your Free Moments & Available Opportunities  

14. Raise the Standards of Your Self Version of Yourself  & Make It Best Version of Yourself 

15. Raise the Standards of Your Reflection & Personal Appearance 

These are all mentioned elements are essential part of our life and in every moment we are connecting with our universe through these elements. If these elements will be weak or poor then we will be not able to connect with our universe properly and we can't receive all important messages and signals of our universe. So, it's important for us that standards of all these essential elements of our life should be raised at such a level where it should be able to express their highest form of expression and able to catch all signals of universals because only among these signals there will be some signals which can leads us on the path of our survival in all ongoing and coming changes in future .

If we will be unsuccessful in our efforts then we will not be able to survive in the long run and we can be able to only see the whole process of obsoleting our existence in our surroundings. 

Make My Impact 


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