Why There is Need To Educate ,Upgrade & Innovate Our Self ffor Survival in 4th Generation Technological Revolution Era

Why There is Need To Educate, Upgrade & Innovate Our self  for Survival in 4th Generation Technological Revolution Era 

This is age of ICT and these are three 3 idiots of this century who are changing the whole word as fast as possible and no body is capable to stop these global changes. In context of new changes, our current education and skills are always giving a feeling that it is outdated and not able to sustain their relevancy in the ocean of new changes. Traditional education system is insufficient for our new emerging requirement in new technical innovation era.

The impact of cloud computing, Internet of Things(IOT),Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being started to visible and there is one fear arising around the world that all these technologies are going to replace the human work force and after few years human race will be unable to compete with these machines. 

May be those person who are in good job or in so secure government positions and feeling safe in the current period and  they can think  that it is useless to talk about new changes. Their life is going well and there is no need to educate, innovate and upgrade themselves. May be they don't need any changes in current time but after several years they have to realise the changes and their impact on their life. At that moment they will be helpless. In the same context, recently I received a wonderful Eagle story on my Whats app and I am sharing the same story as it is for reading. This story is so inspiring and motivating for anyone.

बहुत पुरानी बात है, एक बार गिद्धों का एक झुण्ड खाने की तलाश में भटक रहा था। उड़ते–उड़ते वे सब एक टापू पे पहुँच गए। वो जगह उनके लिए स्वर्ग के समान थी। हर तरफ खाने के लिए मेंढक, मछलियाँ और समुद्री जीव मौजूद थे और इससे भी बड़ी बात ये थी कि वहां इन गिद्धों का शिकार करने वाला कोई जंगली जानवर भी नहीं था और वे बिना किसी भय के वहां रह सकते थे।
युवा गिद्ध कुछ ज्यादा ही उत्साहित थे, उनमे से एक बोला,”वाह! मजा आ गया, अब तो मैं यहाँ से कहीं नहीं जाने वाला, यहाँ तो बिना किसी मेहनत के ही हमें बैठे -बैठे खाने को मिल रहा है!”
बाकी गिद्ध भी उसकी हाँ में हाँ मिला कर ख़ुशी से झूमने लगे।
सबके दिन मौज -मस्ती में बीत रहे थे लेकिन झुण्ड का सबसे बूढ़ा गिद्ध इससे खुश नहीं था।

एक दिन अपनी चिंता जाहिर करते हुए वो बोला,”भाइयों, हम गिद्ध हैं, हमें हमारी ऊँची उड़ान और अचूक वार करने की ताकत के लिए जाना जाता है। पर जबसे हम यहाँ आये हैं हर कोई आराम तलब हो गया है …ऊँची उड़ान तो दूर ज्यादातर गिद्ध तो कई महीनो से उड़े तक नहीं हैं…और आसानी से मिलने वाले भोजन की वजह से अब हम सब शिकार करना भी भूल रहे हैं … ये हमारे भविष्य के लिए अच्छा नहीं है …मैंने फैसला किया है कि मैं इस टापू को छोड़ वापस उन पुराने जंगलो में लौट जाऊँगा …अगर मेरे साथ कोई चलना चाहे तो चल सकता है!”

बूढ़े गिद्ध की बात सुन बाकी गिद्ध हंसने लगे। किसी ने उसे पागल कहा तो कोई उसे मूर्ख की उपाधि देने लगा। बेचारा बूढ़ा गिद्ध अकेले ही वापस लौट गया।
समय बीता, कुछ वर्षों बाद बूढ़े गिद्ध ने सोचा,'ना जाने अब मैं कितने दिन और जीवित रहूँ, क्यों न एक बार चल कर अपने पुराने साथियों से मिल लिया जाए!'
लम्बी यात्रा के बाद जब वो टापू पे पहुंचा तो वहां का दृश्य भयावह था।
ज्यादातर गिद्ध मारे जा चुके थे और जो बचे थे वे बुरी तरह घायल थे।
“ये सब कैसे हो गया?”, बूढ़े गिद्ध ने पूछा।
कराहते हुए एक घायल गिद्ध बोला, “हमे क्षमा कीजियेगा, हमने आपकी बातों को गंभीरता से नहीं लिया और आपका मजाक तक उड़ाया… दरअसल, आपके जाने के कुछ महीनों बाद एक बड़ी सी जहाज इस टापू पे आई …और चीतों का एक दल यहाँ छोड़ गयी। चीतों ने पहले तो हम पर हमला नहीं किया, पर जैसे ही उन्हें पता चला कि हम सब न ऊँचा उड़ सकते हैं और न अपने पंजो से हमला कर सकते हैं…उन्होंने हमे खाना शुरू कर दिया। अब हमारी आबादी खत्म होने की कगार पर है .. बस हम जैसे कुछ घायल गिद्ध ही ज़िंदा बचे हैं !”

बूढ़ा गिद्ध उन्हें देखकर बस अफ़सोस कर सकता था, वो वापस जंगलों की तरफ उड़ चला।

The old eagle was so sad and returned back to his place. He analysed all the reasons for this devastation of his eagle race and he came on a conclusion that these all things happened due to lack of the attitude of educating ,innovating and upgrading themselves on regular basis in context of new changes and the need of the time and space. If we will not educate ,innovate and upgrade themselves then there will be no chance of their survival. After analysing all aspects of their survival and making their eagle race safe in future, that old eagle had decided to establish a new rules and a training program for all eagles for their education, innovation and upgradation on regular basis. These all rules and training programs for their regular upgradation becomes mandatory for all eagles and it is said that till today all eagles are following the same rules till their death.  In this video, we can see their techniques of their self survival and understand why one of the strongest bird of this world is still maintaining their strongest position and surviving among all ongoing difficult changes.

This story of eagle so inspiring with a hidden lesson that how we can survive in ongoing changes for human race. For our survival, it is also important for us to be ready for changes according to need and dream of time. 

What we can do for our upgradation like eagle ? We have to also launch a education, innovation and upgradtion for ourself in context of new changes with time and space.

Our current education system is almost 150 years old and there is need to connect with other latest updated source of learning for educating and upgrading us. Current traditional education system is not able to fulfil our learning requirements and in this situation it's better to connect with new online learning education system and take the advantage of all available helpful resources for our purpose. There are some popular cost effective on line education sources are available globally and that can be accessed anytime through our mobile or laptop. All popular education and online learning platforms has been shared here and we can check the details by simply clicking their url.

1. Courseera : https://www.coursera.org/

For Certification Courses 

2. Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/

For Certification Courses 

3. MIT Open CourseWare: https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm

For All Subjects

4. IGNOU: http://www.ignou.ac.in/

For All Subjects

5. Google Open Online Education : https://edu.google.com/openonline/

For All Subjects

6.edX Free Online Courses : https://www.edx.org/

For All Subjects

7: UNESCO: http://www.iiep.unesco.org/en/building-institutional-capacity-through-elearning-239

For All Subjects

8: Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/ 

For All Subjects

9: Open Culture Online Courses : http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses

For All Subjects

10: Academic Earth : http://academicearth.org/

For All Subjects

11. Alison: https://alison.com/

For All Subjects

12: Stanford Online: http://online.stanford.edu/courses 

For All Subjects

13. Harvard Extension: https://www.extension.harvard.edu/open-learning-initiative

For Business & Economics Subject 

14. Open Yale Coures: https://oyc.yale.edu/

For All Subjects

15. UC Barkeley Class Central :https://www.class-central.com/university/berkeley

For All Subjects

16. Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative :http://oli.cmu.edu/learn-with-oli/see-all-oli-courses/

For All Subjects

17.Codeacademy: http://www.codecademy.com/

For Coding 

18. Code: https://code.org/learn

For Coding and App Writing 

19. University of London Podcasts: https://london.ac.uk/ways-study/study-campus-london/member-institutions

For Different Lecture Series 

20. University of Oxford Podcasts: http://podcasts.ox.ac.uk/series

For Different Lecture Series 

21. BBC Podcasts: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p004kln9/episodes/downloads

For Various Kind of Pod casts

22. TED- Ed: https://ed.ted.com/

For Motivations Education Web series and Video

23. Lesson Paths : http://www.lessonpaths.com/categories/browsePlaylists/academic

For All Courses 

24. Memrise: https://www.memrise.com/

For Learning Languages 

25. National Geographic Kids: https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/

For Kids

26.Fun Brain: https://www.funbrain.com/

For Kids 

27. Whyville :http://www.whyville.net/smmk/nice

For Kids 

28. iTunes U Free Educational Courses :https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/itunes-u/id490217893?mt=8

For multiple Topics and Educational Videos 

29. W3schools.com: https://www.w3schools.com/html/

For HTML , JAVA, CSS and Other Languages

Education, innovation and upgradation is important for our survival and these are different online platform where we can join so many courses to update our skill and knowledge as per our requirement. We have the freedom to chose any courses and complete them as per our time schedule. We can any kind of certification from here without much  investment. Along with joining latest courses, it is also important for our survival that we should try to find like minded people to work together on our education, innovation and upgradation. 

The journey of education, innovation and upgradation will be continue in next coming articles with some new concepts and new ideas. Keep reading and keep in touch for any query. 

Make My Impact 


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